
Master Errol Bernard VII Dan

Welcome to Bernards Institute of Taekwon-Do. We are glad you found us.

We specialise in teaching both male and female tiny tots (age 4 to 6 years), children (7 to 13 years) and (14 years to Adults). 

Taekwon-Do is not just about fighting or self-defence although that is the overall aim. Taekwon-Do is an art with many facets. Taekwon-Do was initially taught to the Korean army hence the discipline, concentration and respect factors. Taekwon-Do is built on number of fundamental movements which when put together and performed continuously, involve a high-degree of co-ordination and fitness. When these movement are performed slowly they develop overall body strength and improve muscle tone. Couple these movements with breathing techniques and watch your overall power increase. This leads to a feeling of well being and confidence in yourself and your own abilities so allowing you to do whatever you want to do and achieve whatever you want to achieve!

Experts in Self-Defence and Fitness.

Improve you Self-Confidence, Fitness

flexibility, co-ordination,

strength, power, concentration,

discipline and weight management.